There are many experts sharing their views and opinions on this topic. 

Besides having my own experience posting in over 8 social media channels daily for over 2 years, let me share a simple concept that is purely based on common sense. 

Anything that you want to matter requires consistent practice. 

Like everything else content creation is a skill that requires practice. 

If you are a total beginner my recommendation to you is just one thing. 

Upload 3 times a day every single day. 

This is not to get more views or for more reach. 

This is for you to build up your skill. 

You can build your skill by practicing something for a longer period of time. 

By posting 3 times a day your ability to build your skill with content creation will be rapid.

Once you build this skill then you can focus more on quality.

That's when you begin to post just one good quality video a day. 

Try it out. 

Go for it! 

#contentcreation #contentcreator #shareyourgrowth #mohanjaey