My life and business changed the moment I shift my mindset from selling what I want, to selling what customers want.
This mistake is costing you a lot of money.
The mistake is you are focused on selling what you want to sell.
You must stop focusing on that and you must start focusing on selling what they want to buy.
Take a moment to realize this.
It's far easier to sell what people want than selling what you think people want.
If you're trying to sell what you want, you have to sell extremely hard but if you are selling them what they are already seeking for and sales would become effortless for you.
There is a reason why sales processes are taking so long and becoming difficult. It's because we are trying to sell something that customers are not looking for.
The fundamental truth is this.
You must sell them something that they value or something that they are seeking as a solution.
When they are in deep pain and seeking for an active solution for it and when you are selling that solution they would definitely buy from you.
If you're not focusing on selling the solution but just focused on selling your product they won't buy from you.
Remember that customers don't care what product you sell.
Customers do care only on one thing.
What your product offers them.
How it can solve their problems.
Communicate from that angle and you would be able to sell easily.
Keep getting better.